
Monday, May 14, 2012

Other Pleasanton Twp. Board Business (4/10/12 meeting)

Aside from the issue of the Lake Improvement Board and a possible alternative to it, the Pleasanton Township Board addressed other topics.

After a motion and a second to add the 2012-2013 budget to the agenda (it didn't appear on the printed agenda), the board voted to pass it, 4-1, with Trustee Bob Babcock opposed.  Babcock would not comment on the reasons for his vote, other than saying that he "had concerns about the budget."  The budget showed a current fund balance of $133,180.56, with an expected $151,950 to come in over the coming year, mostly from local property tax revenue ($68,700), related fees ($16,000) and state revenue sharing monies ($57,000).

On the expense side, the budget allows for several dozen items, including up to $10,000 in professional services, $15,000 for township hall maintenance/repair, $10,000 for the road fund and $18,500 for garbage pickup.  Salaries are also listed ($6,400 for the supervisor, $9,450 for the clerk and the treasurer each and $10,450 for the assessor).  Wages include $3,000 for cemetery workers, $1,300 for board of review members, $1,200 for election workers, $2,500 for garbage attendants, $6,500 for the planning commission, $4,800 for the zoning administrator and $500 for the zoning board of appeals members.  Per diem amounts for trustees totaled $1,800 for regular meetings and $500 for special meetings.

In her monthly report, Treasurer Judy Girven said "We're in better shape than we have been in a long time."  Bills for the month were also paid.

After discussion of a noise ordinance that has been in consideration at various levels since 2003, the board agreed to look into the issue more.  It appears that the noise ordinance may have been passed by the Pleasanton Planning Commission several years ago, but was not approved by the township board, which actually has the authority to do so.  The Gander will have coverage of this issue in the near future.

There was brief discussion of whether to rename the township park the "Fred Alkire Memorial Park," but no action was taken.

There was also discussion about how to handle an upcoming burial at the township cemetery, whether the current sexton should be replaced with someone else.  The board agreed to ask the current sexton if she wanted to continue in her position, and to retain a different person for two months while advertising the position.

The board also extended the commercial wind moratorium for another year, by a 4-1 vote, with Babcock voting against.  Babcock later said that a moratorium, which temporarily stops any installations, requires that work continue on the writing of the wind ordinance.  Babcock said "no significant work" has been done on the wind ordinance.  Duke Energy has canceled its planned Gail Windpower Project a few months ago.  It's unclear if other companies have an interest in continuing the project or developing a new one.

The board also addressed several items for its policies and procedures manual, relating to township hall rentals and computer passwords.

Bob Babcock reported that the planning commission was investigating additional rules for accessory buildings.  Lake Improvement Board representative Jerry Stick reported that he would attend the following week's LIB meeting and forward copies of documents he receives.  The meeting adjourned at 8:36pm.  

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