
Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov. 5, 2010 - Web Update

North Shore
by Jeanne Crampton

What a glorious fall! The weather has tempted me to delay my departure for the Baja, and now it's snowing. Gracie, my ex-feral house cat, went from window to window this morning, very enthused about the flakes filling the sky. Cookie, my old tabby, took one look and retired to the stool in front of the wood stove.

After twenty years or so, my participation on the Pleasanton Township Planning Commission has ended. I shall miss it, but felt it was unfair to the Commission to disappear for 5 or 6 months out of the year. The present project is an ordinance to cover the development of a wind energy system. The northern part of the township is deemed suitable for such development, and leasing has already begun. Citizen input and opinion is desired, so plan to attend the meetings (generally, the first Monday of the month at 7pm) and become involved.

Warning--did you know that as we age, we lose 8 percent of our muscle tone every ten years, unless we keep at our exercising to maintain it? I learned that the hard way this summer, and am now working to get things back in order with a daily routine of specific movement. The addition of Nordic walking sticks (or in my case, used ski poles from the Salvation Army) to my daily excursions down the road have made quite a difference.

Enjoyable holidays to all--through the winter I'll be writing from Baja, Mexico. where I hope life will be as sedate as it usually is. I plan to be back here again in April, in time (I trust) for spring.

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